News & Events
SONAHT Meeting
Dear Friends/Colleagues
This is to invite you to join the Society of Natural and Alerrnative Health Therapists. This is the first such society in Singapore that consists of the oldest, most respected practicing Complementary Medicine Practitioners in Singapore. The Society was set up to cater for health professionals at different levels of membership.
We are having a meeting on 5 Feb 2005, 9 Apr 2005 and 4 June 2005 at 39 Kreta Ayer Road Singapore 089002 at 3.00pm - 5.00pm. As such do join us for an exciting and informative afternoon followed by tea. For Licensed Healthcare Practitioners who wish to join as professional members, please bring along photocopies of your degree/diploma and your professional license.
Yours in Health
Dr Sundardas D Annamalay
Society of Natural and Alternative Health Therapists.
For further information please contact: Ms June Tan
The Society of Natural and Alternative Health Therapists
20 Sin Ming Lane #06-55, Midview City, Singapore 573968
Tel: 65 63236652