SONAHT memberships are available in various classes namely
- Full Membership - Practitioners with post graduate degrees (MSc, PhD) and satisfy the requirements of Ordinary Membership. S$ 600 p.a.
- Ordinary Membership - Practitioners who have a recognized 3 years degree/diploma in alternative medicine, one other modality and three years of practice. S$ 120 p.a.
- Associate Membership - Practitioners who do not meet criteria for (b) and students enrolled in a programme. S$ 60 p.a.
- Supporter Membership - Anyone above 18 who wishes to join. S$ 30 p.a.
- Corporate Membership - S$ 600 p.a.
Download, complete and send us the application form to Join SONAHT today!
Click here to download the form (right click & save target as)
For further information please contact:
The Society of Natural and Alternative Health Therapists
20 Sin Ming Lane #06-55, Midview City, Singapore 573968
Tel: 65 63236652